Bacterial Vaginitis - A Common STD

Bacterial Vaginitis – A Common STD


Having bacterial vaginitis will increase your risk of having an STD. However, there are many STDs that affect the vagina. Having bacterial vaginitis will make it very difficult for a lady to become pregnant. Chlamydia, a very common sexually transmitted disease (STD) is also easily treated. If you suspect that you have either of these infections, you should consult with your gynecologist immediately to organize an STD home test kit.

Syphilis is another STDs that affect the vagina. It is a serious complication of syphilis if it is not treated properly. If left untreated, syphilis can cause serious complications such as infertility and death. If you suspect that you have syphilis or another STDs, see your gynecologist immediately.

Pelvic pain, bleeding, and itching are symptoms that women with STD may experience. Almost 60% of women with STD have experienced one or more vaginal and penile infections. Having a condition like bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis can increase the chances of an STD. Some STDs that are associated with pelvic pain and infections are genital warts and HIV.

When a woman has symptoms of an STD, doctors use various tests to diagnose the disease. One test for gonorrhea uses a form of a fluorescent dye, which is detected by special lamps in the doctor’s office. This test does not show symptoms of other STDs instantly. Other symptoms that doctors look for are genital sores, ulcers in the genitals, fever, and chills.

Having multiple partners, or multiple sex partners, increases a woman’s risk of being infected with an STD. If a man has multiple sex partners, he is at risk of contracting several STDs. Condom use is another way that unprotected sex can infect a man with STD. Using a condom while having intercourse reduces the risk of transmitting an STD to a partner. Unprotected sex also carries a higher risk of transmitting several STDs to a woman.

Bacterial Vaginitis - A Common STD

Syphilis is another STD that causes painful sores and is sometimes accompanied with kidney problems. If untreated, it can also weaken the heart. Women can get this STD by having sex with an HIV infected person, by being in contact with an open sore or wound, and by having sex with an infected person whose immune system is low. Untreated syphilis can cause serious complications, such as blindness. Women should seek treatment for this STD as soon as possible, and they should also ask their doctors about the many early treatment options available.