Digestive System

Common Causes Of Issues With The Digestive System


Having issues with your digestive system is extremely common, yet there still seems to be a taboo around doing anything about it. Here are a few of the most common causes of issues with the digestive system. Have a read through and see if you can identify the origin of your problem, then work with your doctor in order to confirm the issue and find a solution. Whilst irregularities or pain aren’t always an indicator of a serious problem, it is always best to go and seek advice.


If you are experiencing nausea, pain, cramps, bloating, sickness or diarrhea, you could potentially have an intolerance to a particular food. Trying to figure out what you could be intolerant to can be a challenge, but there are simple ways around it. There are various food intolerance apps out there that help you to track your diet, input the foods you are eating and also identify when you are struggling with any of the symptoms discussed above. You can then take these records with you to the doctor to speed up the process of identifying your intolerance dramatically.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Being deficient in vitamin D can lead to issues with the gut and digestion. The main role of vitamin D is to keep the immune system healthy, however when this doesn’t happen, it can affect other parts of the body including the digestive system. There have been links between symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and a deficiency of vitamin D, so if you are struggling with pain, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, try taking vitamin D tablets and see if you notice any changes.


When you are stressed, your body can be impacted dramatically. For some people, when they feel stressed their digestive system may slow down or speed up, resulting in pain and constipation or diarrhea. If you have been having a particularly stressful few weeks or months, and are experiencing issues with your digestive system, the two could be linked. Try to relieve stress where possible, make the most of weekends and create a clear separation between work life and home life.

 Digestive System

Poor Diet

If you have consistently bad eating habits, such as not eating a balanced diet, eating excess fat, eating too quickly or not eating enough, your digestive system can suffer. You may experience bloating, pain or an upset stomach. Also, you may be fatigued as your body is unlikely to have access to all the vitamins and minerals it needs to function effectively. Of course, we should all enjoy a treat every so often, however your body will be distressed if you don’t fuel it properly. Aim to eat your five a day, take a vitamin tablet if needed and consume a healthy amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate.


Whilst you may now have an answer to the potential cause of your issue, you should have any problems with the digestive system checked. Often it is nothing serious, but pain, changes in your bowel movements, bleeding or weight loss could all be indicators of a health problem. If you are experiencing any problems, ask for advice at your local pharmacy. After 2 weeks, if the issue hasn’t gone, go to see your GP. Even if it’s something minor, finding a remedy with your doctor is the best thing to do!